
Keep Your House Warm This Winter with Roller Shutters

professional shutter installation service

With Australian weather comes the unique challenge of keeping your home at its most comfortable temperature all year round. In the summer you want to keep the heat out, and in winter you want it kept in. And that’s where roller shutters come in.

How roller shutters keep your house warm

The polyurethane-filled slats in our roller shutters can reduce incoming heat by up to 95%, keeping the hot air in and the cold air out while still being able to control airflow. Due to the multiple material layers involved in making the shutters, they are able to reflect heat rather than store it. Storing the heat, especially in winter, will have an adverse effect on your house – making it even colder than it would have been without and increasing temperatures over the summer. By reflecting it, the cold air doesn’t reach the inside of your house so the layer between the windows and shutters remains warm – similar to how a car gets so hot on a sunny day.

Roller shutters also reduce condensation that might occur in your windows. Condensation happens when the warm air interacts with the cold windows which, in turn, cools the warm air down again. Because the shutters keep the windows from becoming cold, the warm air is less able to cool through the windows, heating your home more freely. Not only does condensation make your house colder, but it can also be the cause of dampness in the windows that can damage them and create cracks for a draught to come through.

Roller shutters are great for your pocket

Having to keep using your heaters and electrics to warm you up over the winter can be an expensive habit, but it’s one you feel you need to stay happy. However, roller shutters are extremely affordable to install with no added costs. We use only the highest quality materials in our roller shutters, which means they’ll be in great condition, and still working for years to come. With the amount of money that you save on your energy bills, these roller shutters will pay for themselves.

They are custom-made to your design

You might be worried about the aesthetics of roller shutters, but we make sure that they’re not an eyesore. While we have the experience and knowledge of roller shutters, you have more knowledge of your house. You choose the material, colours and styles, and let us do the rest. Of course, we’ll give you tips and advice, but the rest is up to you.

Benefits of roller shutters

If you’re still wondering if roller shutters are for you, there are even more benefits they bring with them, for example:

  • They reduce noise pollution – if you live by a busy road, or just have noisy neighbours, adding extra protection to your home with roller shutters can keep the noise out more effectively, keeping your home both warm and quiet.
  • They protect against all weathers – they don’t only keep out the heat or cold, but they are also fit to protect against wind, hail, and anything else the Australian weather could throw at you.
  • They make your home more secure –if you’re worried about the number of burglaries in your area, roller blinds are the answer. No one can break through these roller blinds when they’re down, so you can sleep easy at night knowing your house is safe.
  • They’re Wi-Fi-controlled – control your shutters from anywhere with our WiFi-controlled shutters. Perfect for when you’re staying out later or just want it to look like someone’s home.

So, get yourself some roller shutters from Roller Smart today. Contact us now to find out more!



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